All factions have had some moderate balancing done and most maps feature small alterations sure, but nothing extreme. The majority of the game is still basically the same. Despite closely following the game’s development since release, I myself really had no idea what I would be playing when I started up the campaign. It’s a perfect example of hilariously poor communication between developers and the community.
However, later comments from the dev team and datamined files that revealed altered maps and new characters hinted that wouldn’t exactly be the case either. Citing said fan backlash (and no doubt the chance to save some money), Blizzard responded by promising a more traditional remaster instead.
Needless to say, not everyone was happy with such fundamental changes to a game many considered quite perfect as is. New in-engine cinematics, retconning broad swathes of the story to be more in line with later lore, and redoing all voice-acting with World of WarCraft voice actors. Originally billed as more of a remake, Blizzard outlined some drastic revamps to the game. The biggest source of confusion and controversy over WarCraft III: Reforged has been over what it is.
For the first time, the last half of the Prologue Campaign is officially in the game.